Saturday, September 02, 2006

Suicide blonde was the colour of her hair, like a cheap distraction for a new affair

Well, Ernesto has come and gone... and nothing really happened, other than I got sick. In some strange twist, Fort Lauderdale managed to not really get any rain from Ernesto, and just some mild wind. When I managed to check out the radar, we always seemed to be between storm bands. So, the prep work et al done for it, kinda seemed pointless--guess it was just a test run.

And the funny part is that Lauderdale managed to get a worse rain last night that any other time during the week. It was like Ernesto kicked back a storm just because he felt we missed out. Course, the bummer of it all was that it meant no swimming last night.

As for the weekend, I'm spending it getting some more stuff unpacked and getting ready to head to Washington D.C. for the week for work. I'll be gone Sunday to Sunday, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to post while away... we shall see.

Have a good week, all... and now I'm off to do some laundry. Oh, and I have yet to watch Muriel's Wedding, tho I did see Ms. Collette in Little Miss Sunshine last night (which is good/funny), and watched Gattaca, The Incredibles, and Contact...

Got some revelation, put into your hands
Save you from your misery, like rain across the land
But don't you see the colour of deception
Turning your world around again

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