Been saved again by the garbage truck, I've got something to say but nothing comes
About a month ago, I dropped my phone. Since then my display is slowly being taken over by black from the upper left corner and white from the lower right--kinda like I have a fade-to-black and fade-to-white battling on the tiny little screen. So tonight, I finally got to cingular and found out I need to buy a new phone. Kinda sucky, cause I like my current phone, not to mention the cost. Added to all this, is that during the rainstorm while I was swimming the 10K a few weeks ago, my phone got wet--which is preventing a cheaper replacement option. C'est ma vie.
Otherwise things go alright. Over the weekend I managed to get some more stuff put away, which has allowed me to move a chair from the entryway into the kitchen (now I don't have to climb over said chair to get into the kitchen--which is nice). I'm in the midst of a 2-week trial with NetFlix. I watched Friends with Money over the weekend, and now have Oklahoma! on the way (not sure why it ended up on the list so high... it's just what's on it's way here).
And I'm prep'ing to head to California this weekend (or will be in the next day/two) for my dad's 80th birthday. All in all, doing alright. OH! and the exciting news: this morning, for the first time in 2 years or more, I filled my gas tank for under $20. :)
Well, I must be off to search for a phone.
Excuse me but can I be you for a while
My dog won't bite if you sit real still
I got the Antichrist in the kitchen yelling at me again
Yeah I can hear that
heh...I've got Oklahoma currently on top of my dvd player from Netflix, and Friends With Money is at the top of the queue. spooky.....
Interesting... good time of year to be spooky tho. If you "Thank You for Not Smoking" or "What Dreams May Come" up next, then it be getting kinda crazy.
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