Fascinating rhythm, you've got me on the go
I do so love when I get to Target's Garden Center check-out line with to find a line full of people buying products from inside the store... particularly on instances like today when I'm holding something large and/or awkward (2 large bags of mulch), like one would purchase at the garden part: it makes my day.
Although, today, instead of holding the 2 bags, I went and got a nearby cart to set them in, and then waited (and, yes, while I was getting the cart, the woman in the green shirt in the picture above came out from inside and got into line--further delaying my check-out--cause it's about me, you know).Anyways, despite the delay at check-out, I did manage to get home in time to put the mulch down [at right], and to realize that I should've bought at least one more bag, as the 2 covered about 90% of the center area pictured, and didn't even address another sidebar in need of re-mulchification. Of course, by the time I realized this, the garden part of Target was closed, and I could not get more today (I am heartbroken by this, particularly since one of my neighbors said months ago that they thought new mulch was needed and was going to get some but didn't. I just started thinking it needed last week/so, and remembered about it while at the store today.)
All this mulch business was post the July June meet this morning, which went alright. My free was a little off where I'd've liked (2 fr=2:09--sluggish; 8 fr=9:23--wanted around 9:00), but my other events were decent (4 im=5:01; 1 fly=1:00.9). Results here.Today, I also managed to get a new SIM card for my cell phone, in an attempt to fix a reception issue I have--which only seems to have made things worse. And while at Target (actually prior to the mulch buying), I picked up a Kodak C743 digital camera [pic at left] on clearance as a birthday present. As it was the floor model (literally the last one in the store) and had been "manhandled", I got 30% off the discounted close-out price, so I got it for under $100 (I did a little dancing in the store at my luck).
Each morning I get up with the sun
Start a-hopping, never stopping
To find at night no work has been done
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