I'm alright, nobody worry 'bout me
So I'm at this restaurant the other night that has piped-in music playing. As I'm leaving, Kenny Loggin's I'm Alright comes on, and I could not help but think of the dancing gopher...
In other news, I'm:
- dismayed that 'ginormous' is now in the dictionary,
- surprised that the Spice Girls are getting back together (but am happy about it), and
- way tired from staying up to 3 a.m. last night watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (and no, despite it being 3 a.m. I wasn't lonely). So I'm going to bed early.
(btw, my take on the movie: It is good, go see it. 2 key points for me: 1) I was tired/sleepy about an hour before the midnight start time for the movie, and it keep me awake the whole time. 2) I am a little disappointed with it, stemming from the fact that this movie remind me of more stuff from the book that was not included than any of the other movies have done individually--if you've not read the book, this probably isn't an issue ;-)
I'm alright, nobody worry 'bout me
You got to gimme a fight? Why don't you just let me be?
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