I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee
I was reminded this week of the futility/vanity/lack-of-awareness of people regarding emails and using html formatting for them.
I received an email this week which was 2-3 sentences long, and 49K in size. When I responded to it with another few lines--doubling the content of the email--the size plummeted to 1K. Why the big drop (49 to 1)? Well, the big difference was that on responding, I removed an attached image file from the email; an image that was the company logo for below the signature (and that's all it was). The image didn't actually contribute anything to the email, other than to make it look "pretty"; and, in fact, it didn't show up in the email, probably due to my mail settings (ahhh, the beauty of not being trapped into MS Office).
But this incident reminded me of the emails I get, day-in and day-out, that are in html formatting and don't use any of the features of it (and even those that solely use a special font). A note: using the html formatting over plain text formatting automatically increases the size of your email significantly. Now that some/a lot of us/your friends are in this day of high-speed connections and unlimited storage, it doesn't seem like much of an issue. But not everyone is. Besides I don't think it's a bad thing to be conscious of when you're doing something more solely because it's more.
And maybe it'll stop me from getting image attachments that I don't need to download to open and view... :) (that's just an added benefit)
You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you
You're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you