Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday night, I'm going nowhere

Swim practice tonight consisted of 5,000 for time; to enter the US Masters 5K Postal race (there's also a 10K--not sure if I'm gonna do that this year). Anyways, tonight's time was...


which is under the 1:15s I'd wanted to hold (which would be a 1:02:30).

My splits were kinda all over the place, though... not sure what to make of that (and if timer error is a factor). My Ks were pretty were alright, which is good: 12:06 / 12:06 / 12:23 / 12:30 / 12:42.

Now I'm pondering if I should try to swim another one at the end of August... and speaking of that, I got a birthday present tonight: the aforementioned trunk from Pier 1 that I demonstrated will-power last night by not buying (it's from my mom & step-dad).

Friday night, I'm going nowhere
All the lights are changing, green to red
Turning over TV stations
Situations running through my head
Looking back through time, you know
It's clear that I've been blind, I've been a fool
To open up my heart to all that jealousy
That bitterness, that ridicule

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