Sunday, October 02, 2005

Work all night on a drink of rum...

San Antonio--Day 0:
What was supposed to be day 1 of my drive to Florida, turned into day 0. I had planned on getting up and packing around 8 a.m. (which I did manage), finish up around noon and get to Austin in time to see Serenity with Erin (one of my fellow crewU members)--as we'd talked about the movie for months--and then be on my way to Dallas (Irving, more correctly), and spend the night with a friend from high school. Alas, it was not to be.

Instead, packing-up all the crap in the room I'd been in took several hours longer. At 6 p.m. I finally finished up, and at that point decided that the 4+ hour drive to Irving would be too much. So, instead, I stayed home, went out to eat with my mom and step-dad, for the good-bye dinner I'd missed on Friday because I worked late (not leaving the pool until 9 p.m.). Mandy, the aforementioned friend in the Dallas area, was bummed that I wouldn’t get to have the lasagna she’d made, but was otherwise everything was ok.

And so, I went to bed, ready for the early wake-up then next day would bring, and the long drive ahead.

[really posted on Wed. Oct. 19, 2005]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, i'm in the blogosphere!!!