Sunday, November 30, 2008

Miles away...

I was going to be such a good kid this holiday weekend, and spend at least one whole day at home cleaning things up (and doing laundry). But alas, the weekend is now at an end, and I only managed a few hours today (which I guess is better than nothing).

My intentions going into the weekend were to clean either Saturday or Sunday. But then I got distracted on Saturday, first with seeing Madagascar 2 (I now should see the first one), then reading the 8th (a for now, last published) Sookie Stackhouse book: From Dead to Worse. Later on in the day, another friend dragged called me up to see Twilight, which I did and then followed it up by finishing Dead #8 (all the titles in Sookie--also vampire--series have the word "dead" in the title). Course, I didn't finished reading that until 4 a.m. today, and consequently woke up at like 11 a.m. today. So then I spent about 6 hours doing laundry and cleaning (and watching some Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes--rounding out a very vampiric weekend). Then my friend demanded I come watch a movie (there was a "now" in the text I got), so I ventured over to watch Run Fatboy Run (which appears to have solidified my liking of Simon Pegg).

But in any case... I got distracted, and didn't get all my cleaning/laundry done--curses! And I head to Atlanta Wednesday-late Saturday, so I'm not sure how likely getting any of if finished this week is... will have to see.

I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe the things that I have seen

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Get into the groove

Gobble, gobble
(i.e. short Thanksgiving greeting to you, as I'm recovering from seeing Madonna's Sticky & Sweet Tour stop in Miami last night)
Happy Thanksgiving

Get up on your feet
Yeah, step to the beat
Boy what will it be

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm a Pepper... wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?

Today is the day.

For today, only, Dr Pepper is giving away a free can of Dr Pepper to everyone in the US. This is the results of an announcement the company made back in March: if Guns N' Roses released their new album in 2008 (the one they have been working on for 15 years), then Dr Pepper would give a free can of soda to everyone in America, save departed band members Slash and Buckethead.

In October, the band set the US-only release date for Chinese Democracy (the album) as today. With that, Dr Pepper made today the day to grab a coupon off their website, fulfilling their end of the deal.

Now, if only I could get to load...

I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper
She's a Pepper, we're a Pepper
Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
Be a Pepper, drink Dr Pepper

Friday, November 21, 2008

You're out of touch, I'm out of time

Stop the Insanity! (where is Susan Powter when I need her?).

One of the radio stations here has already begun playing Christmas music. It's the week before Thanksgiving! It think the station might have not yet switched completely over to holiday songs, but I don't know for sure, as I'm doing my best to now ignore the station until mid-January (I keep having to remind myself of my self-imposed boycott as well). This is one of the things that gets me out of the holiday spirit... and it's not even time for Chrismas yet! I still hope, probably in futility, that radio will wake up and realize that Christmas should wait until after Thanksgiving, despite what the retailers of the US (aka their advertisers) would like them to believe... ('course, those retailers should know to wait as well).

And in other insanity-related issues this week, my alarm did manage to go off fine on Thursday and Friday--which was nice. It didn't help was that I got to work on Thursday to find 150 emails coming into my Inbox. By the end of the workday there were over 350 unreads there, and it took me part of Thursdays night and some of today to go through them. There's still some remaining, which I'm going to try to get through tomorrow (hopefully).

Broken ice still melts in the sun
And ties that are broken can often be one,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

All shook up...

Ever just have a week start off funky? I can't really pin-point one reason why this week has started off so, well, off, but it has.

Maybe it's because the power went off at my house yesterday morning, right when I was supposed to get out of bed. Consequently I woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to be at the office, which meant I was 20 minutes late. (The power was still off when I scampered out the door.)

Tagging along from yesterday, this morning I woke up 20 minutes before I was supposed to be at the office. I discovered at 7:40 this morning that I'd set my clock for AM instead of PM when I got home last night. Consequently, my alarm was set to go off 12 hours late.... And then I was only about 5 minutes late to the office (not sure how that happened, particularly since I had to dodge waiting for a freight train this a.m., and then detour around road construction, and massive lines here and there...).

Course, Monday was strange as well, and I've had a bizarrely heavy email week... though hopefully tomorrow will be better. None of this really even gets into the cold weather that's around this week (it's colder here in South Florida than in Southern California at the moment).

Maybe it's all because I'm breezing through these Sookie Stackhouse books my sister sent me (I'm on the 4th one this week...). Hey, Elvis the Vampire is in it... or "Bubba" as he's referred to... which reminds me, I should get back to reading and find out. Hasta

Well please don't ask me what's on my mind
I'm a little mixed up, but I'm feelin' fine

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Everybody wants to rule the world...

I have recently stumbled upon a county-by-county breakdown map of last week's Presidential elections, which I found rather interesting and wanted to share. (Obama is blue, McCain is red, shades of purple mean a blending of the 2.)

More maps available from Mark Newman at the University of Michigan. A flash map of FL was created by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel here. (The link has Florida and county poll results for the President race, Florida's Marriage Amendment--which dishearteningly passed--as well as a few other races.)

In other news, I have safely returned from a weekend trip to Jackson, Mississippi. And while there wasn't exactly a ton of stuff to do outside of the works items I was there for (read: downtown Jackson shuts down when the work week is done, and there was only a couple of episodes of House on t.v. to distract me), I do have some catching up on things back here in FL to work on. As well as I'm trying to not be shocked that the media seems to have suddenly realized Obama's ethnicity (they didn't really point out anything about his African American heritage for the "two years of the campaign"--the media's words on campaign length, not mine. Then for the rest of last week post election, all CNN, etc. seemed to be able to focus on was his blackness. I had hoped that we were getting past that, but I guess, sadly, I was mistaken). So...

There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ya no razona; no lo puedo controlar

I had a very South Florida day yesterday. This because it was Election Day, and in relation to my striving to vote.

Leading into yesterday, early voting here had been taking a long time for most people. A friend of mine waited in line for 6.5 hours on Sunday to vote; another an hour or so. The prolonged wait time due to the large number of people voting, the number of items on the ballot and the somewhat archaic bubble-sheets being used (supposedly because the computers used during the primaries earlier this year were too difficult for some to use).

I had decided a month or so ago to vote after work on Election Day, figuring that was the best time for me to do so as it offered me the most time to be at the poll. An itching to get my vote over-and-done with (and possibly in small part to have my "I voted" sticker on my shirt all day), however, spurred me to decide on Monday to try to vote prior to work. So, I got out my door a wee bit earlier than normal, and headed to my precinct's voting location, arriving at 6:45 a.m. for the 7:00 a.m. opening. 50 people were already in line.

45 minutes later, my previously determined time-to-leave-the-polls to get to work if I wasn't near voting arrived, with not a real sign of anyone having emerged from voting (i.e. there were still about 30 people in front of me in line). So, at 7:30 I headed to work, and left a friend a few places back of me in line with instructions to let me know how long the line took.

At work, I relayed the crazy line to my coworkers, some of whom had managed to vote that morning (one got in line at 6:00 a.m.). Faced with this, I began to plot to take lunch early, hoping that at 11:00 I'd be able to catch the polls before any lunch crowd. After a rather cramped freeway dash back to my precinct, I arrived to find the line to vote the same length. As it had taken me 20 minutes to get there, and my friend had relayed that it took her an hour and 40 minutes to get through the line early, I did a drive through of the parking lot, and headed back to the office, grabbing lunch on the way back.

Resigned to be heading to polls, post work, I left work shortly after 5:00, and made a bee-line for my precinct. As I approached my neighborhood, I was thankful for the seemingly lighter-than-normal traffic, and half-heartedly cursed the pesky stoplights that paused my journey to the elementary school where I vote.

Coming on the school, my nervousness heightened that the line remained. The back-side of the school showed an abundance of cars, which made me fear the main parking area on the other side being full. As I continued down the block and around the school, I anticipated seeing a full parking lot. I was pleasantly surprised, however, upon its sight to see the lot practically vacant. However, I still remained diligent in my advancement, a twinge of fear in my head that before I could get there, and as I watched, a flood of cars would enter the parking lot and with it a full-line's worth of fellow voters.

However, this did not materialized, and instead, I reached the lot and found a space without a new car in sight. Upon exiting my car, and hastened toward the school's library, bracing to find a line. Continuing forward, through the school's doors and down the corridor to the library, I encountered only a poll worker, idling around due to the lack of persons to help direct.

And, in course, I walked straight up to the check-in desk, and after holding up myself from finished by relating my astonishment at there being no line, picked up my 4-pages of bubble sheets and was steered toward a booth. Setting down Of Human Bondage that I had brought to read, I pulled out the "crib" sheet I had made to guide me through the various items and filled out my ballot.

About 5 minutes later, I had filled in all the necessary circles, fed the tabulating machine the four pages, beat my neighboring booth's occupant to completion, and picked up my sticker.

I guess the third time really was the charm... well, except for the fact that the sticker I got said "My Vote Counted" (which brought back memories of my last trip to the polls, for the Florida primary earlier this year, where my vote didn't really count--thank you very much national Democratic party); and my curiosity of whether/not people vote after work here....

Y empieza a cantar
Mi canta así, así...
Bidi bidi bom bom

Bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bidi bom bom

Monday, November 03, 2008

Is there something I should know?

I have survived my weekend, and the people double-parking down from where I live so they can wait for hours to early vote (a friend of mine waited 6.5 hours yesterday...). And I have almost out-lasted the Boat Show... (just today to go! other than pesky clean-up).

With one more day comes tomorrow's Election Day. So tonight, I am plotting to research the 30 items on tomorrow's ballot. In case you're wondering what they are...

  • 1. U.S. President/Vice President: 13 options: the 2 biggies Obama & McCain, 1 other name I recognize--Nadar; and 10 others from parties that I don't know what they're abbreviates are (my guesses included): Gloria LaRiva (PSL--People Stopped Listening), Chuck Baldwin (CPF--Coporations Performing Favorably), Gene Amondson (PRO--the Pro Party), Bob Barr (LBT--Libertine), Thomas Robert Stevens (OBJ-Objectivists), James Harris (SWP--Singles With Purpose), Cynthia McKinney (GRE--Graduate Requirement Examiners), Alan Keyes (AIP--Association of Insurance Professionals), Brian Moore (SPF--Sun Protection Factor) and Charles Jay (BTP--Big-Time Party).
  • 2. U.S. Representaive
  • 3. State Senator
  • 4. Federal District Court of Appeals (just a question of "shall the person be retained in office")
  • 5. State Circuit Judge
  • 6. State Constitutional Amendment (SCA) #1: can aliens-ineligible for citizenship own property?
  • 7. SCA #2: marriage=1 man & 1 women--only (the so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment"--though there are no provisions in it making divorces more difficult to get)
  • 8. SCA #3: added wind protection or increased renewable energy on a property can't be included for future property tax assessments (assuming I understand it);
  • 9. SCA #4: Property-Tax Exemption for conserved land
  • 10. SCA #6 (#5 has been withdrawn): working waterfront property tax assessment
  • 11. SCA #8 (#7 is withdrawn): localities can establish assesments to fund community colleges
  • 12. create a County Metro. Transit Authority
  • 13. County Comission can't interfere with County Administration
  • 14. County Commissioner who have a conflict-of-interest can't participate in discussions on the topic of confliction
  • 15. create a County Housing Council
  • 16. the County is a regional/countywide authority?
  • 17. Allow for the County to protect the parks it owns
  • 18. The County should protect its citizens' right to a sustainable environment.
  • 19. County Ethics Commission
  • 20. Independent consultant for County Commission districts
  • 21. Study the efficience of Committee meetings...
  • 22. Circuit Course Clerk
  • 23. County Sheriff
  • 24. County Property Appraiser
  • 25. County Supervisor of Elections (the person who sent me my sample ballot)
  • 26. County Commissioner rep.
  • 27. County Soil & Water Conservatory rep

Ok... so not quite 30. But this assumes there isn't some random city thing on the ballot, as well....

Please, please tell me now
Is there something I should know
Is there something I should say