Sunday, September 27, 2009

Loneliness, is a place that I know well

I have been abandoned.

Wells Fargo has not called me. In days!

After calling me daily, for two weeks straight, they have suddenly stopped calling. I feel like I've been dumped.

There wasn't even a tapering off. One day, they called twice; the next: none! Not once. Nada. And it's been like 4 days now. Not one message awaiting me when I turn my phone on. Not one unexpected ring from a becoming-more-and-more-familiar number.

I don't know what I did. Sure, I sent in my paperwork the other day, but that couldn't've been it. They were calling me daily, sometimes twice a day; and just leaving a "hello, how are you today, please call us back" message. I, likewise, spoke to them every-other-day for two weeks, and when we spoke they were just calling to leave me a message it seemed. Sure, I never did get to speak to "Jessica" who kept calling me (something about her being a machine). But the nice representative on the phone would ask if I had any questions about the program. See if I didn't understand something somewhere. And they didn't really seem to mind that I didn't have any questions and that I already knew/had heard the message they were providing: they still kept calling. Just to say hello.

I hope I haven't done something wrong. Maybe I should ignore there initial recommendation and start calling them every day. Maybe it's my turn to call daily or twice a day (to those two different numbers). Then they'll call me back every-other-day.

I'll call tomorrow and check.


Days and weeks and months and years
Filling in the time, my dear
Tryin' to find the place where I belong

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Starting to feel just a little abused, like a coffee machine in an office

After a very early morning wake-up call (3:40), to catch a direct flight back from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale, I am back in South Florida. And thanks to my early return, I've had a wee bit of time to get some quality vegging resting in today. The Convention I was at went rather well. It was the 13th time I've been to it, although the first time for me to go to the Masters portion (rather than the USA Swimming part). This meant that I got to wear a nice (thankfully little) yellow sticker that said "Help Me, I'm New" on it.

But that sticker wasn't so bad. Actually, the peskiest part of the week came courtesy of Wells Fargo, who called me daily, leaving me a message to call them back. On some days, I even got called twice: from two different numbers. Hours after I would get the original call (the meetings started at 8 a.m. and went to 8 p.m.), I would typically get to listen to the message. I would then call back to find that there was not really a message, per se; they were just wanting to check to see if I had received the paperwork sent me. Did I have any questions? Did I want to send my next mortgage payment in 4 weeks early and before my paycheck, along with the rest of the paperwork?

At one point, I explained that I was out-of-town and couldn't send everything in until I got back (and told them when I would return), in hopes that this would stop them from calling. Alas, it did not work: the calls continue. They even called me tonight, after I spoke with them earlier today....

And the kicker: when I first applied for the program, I called in to check if they'd received my paperwork. While on the phone, I ask, "How often should I call?", even--jokingly--asking if I should call-in daily. They responded no, once a week would be fine. Maybe they were taking into account that they would call me everyday?

I’ve been devoting myself to you Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday
Not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it
I’m starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office

Sunday, September 13, 2009

And when he plays boogie-woogie bugle, he was busy as a bzzzy bee

Greetings from bzzzziness....

I have spent the last week living/working in a hotel near my house, for my work's annual (week-long) clinic. So, in spite of only being a 5-20 minute drive away (large variance due to drawbridge which lies in route), I have not seen my place since early on Labor Day--other than a short jaunt home on Tuesday evening to pick up my Home Affordable paperwork.

Yes, I did manage to escape the hotel briefly on Tuesday night, and jaunt home (with a drawbridge break and everything) to pick up the UPS envelope on my doorstep. Picked up and returned to the hotel all before it could rain. 'Course, my return was followed by me being so busy the rest of the week that I have not had time yet to read said paperwork (but from the brief glimpse I gave it, I can't really do anything with it until I get paid mid-month--I have to send in a mortgage paper with the documents).

I didn't even have time to acknowledge 09/09/09 on Wednesday (I was buzzing 'round for most of it).

As for that over-nighted paperwork, I will most likely not have a chance to read it for another week, as I leave Wednesday morning for Chicago and the 2009 USAS Convention (I'm headed to the Masters part).

bzzz bzzz

He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up, and he was gone with the draft
He's in the Army now, a-blowin' Reveille
He's the boogie-woogie bugle boy of Company B

Sunday, September 06, 2009

I should be so lucky; lucky, lucky, lucky...

Ahh... so recently, two of the five units in my condo association have gone into foreclosure. One, in the hopes that it can be refinanced (although I'm not entirely sure that's the only reason--this owner moved out to save money...); the other, well, he just wants to be gone from the property (and unfortunately, that unit's half the property). Neither has been paying their Association dues, either, and consequently, at least one other members of the Association wants to hire a lawyer to help recoup said losses (particularly since the dues are based on the percentage of the property owned...). I'd be way for this, except, I'm not sure where the money's going to come from to hire said lawyer (i.e. read "Special Assessment" to those of us still paying our Association dues). And to top it off, not enough Association members have opined about what to do... but oh the fun awaiting for that third person to chime in.

This, in some respects, has spurred me to finally apply for the Federal Marking Home Affordable program. I had initially inquired months ago about it, only to be told that I did qualify but my bank was not ready yet for me to apply. But I did remember to check back a few weeks ago, and they are now ready (as am I) and the paperwork was sent in last week.

As luck would have it, I found out Friday that crucial, time-sensitive paperwork is to be sent to my house for a Tuesday delivery. Now, normally, this would be fine, except next week; which is one of the few weeks of the year where I won't be home for the whole week: I move into a hotel on tomorrow morning and stay until a week from today. Now, granted, that hotel won't be terribly far away, as this year's event is here in Fort Lauderdale, but I really don't know if I'll have time to escape the hotel to get back to pick up the awaiting paperwork. Ahh, the fun. (And, bonus points if you deduced that I'm getting to work on Labor Day.)

But it could be worse: I could be out of town instead of in-town, with no hope of getting the paperwork and it most likely getting soaked during some completely normal, South Florida summer afternoon thunderstorm....

I should be so lucky
Lucky, lucky, lucky...