And when he plays boogie-woogie bugle, he was busy as a bzzzy bee
Greetings from bzzzziness....
I have spent the last week living/working in a hotel near my house, for my work's annual (week-long) clinic. So, in spite of only being a 5-20 minute drive away (large variance due to drawbridge which lies in route), I have not seen my place since early on Labor Day--other than a short jaunt home on Tuesday evening to pick up my Home Affordable paperwork.
Yes, I did manage to escape the hotel briefly on Tuesday night, and jaunt home (with a drawbridge break and everything) to pick up the UPS envelope on my doorstep. Picked up and returned to the hotel all before it could rain. 'Course, my return was followed by me being so busy the rest of the week that I have not had time yet to read said paperwork (but from the brief glimpse I gave it, I can't really do anything with it until I get paid mid-month--I have to send in a mortgage paper with the documents).
I didn't even have time to acknowledge 09/09/09 on Wednesday (I was buzzing 'round for most of it).
As for that over-nighted paperwork, I will most likely not have a chance to read it for another week, as I leave Wednesday morning for Chicago and the 2009 USAS Convention (I'm headed to the Masters part).
bzzz bzzz
He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up, and he was gone with the draft
He's in the Army now, a-blowin' Reveille
He's the boogie-woogie bugle boy of Company B
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