Sunday, March 09, 2008

Do you have an opinion? A mind of your own?

I survived through the rest of the week, relatively unscathed. I even managing to wade my way through the new book I'm reading God: A Biography (it got easier when I got past the justification of why the author was writing it).

And some random notes from this week:

  • as of Thursday night, I'm no longer the president of my condo association (so I'm not responsible for scheduling the meetings any more--yeah!);
  • also on Thursday, on my way home from work I got stuck behind a person not driving their "ultimate driving machine" (i.e. BMW): they decided to wait in an intersection for an entire stoplight cycle, mostly being over-cautious, to the point where they ended up being the only car that could turn during that cycle. Making me more upset was the fact that I was the car right behind them, and got to sit through another full cycle at the light because of the beamer... but then I just chalked it up to them being a bad South Florida driver, and they fit right in....
  • on Friday, I got an early birthday (and late graduation) present: the ring pictured above (and man, was that picture not an easy thing to get--the pesky reflection off the ring messed with the auto-focus);
  • What is the purpose of news teasers, particularly on the radio? In the morning, on my way to work, I keep hearing a "preview" tease of the news they're going to be sharing in 30 minutes. The problems with this: 1) I'm not in my car long enough to hear the radio in 30 minutes, 2) I generally don't care enough about what the news is choosing to report to bother to hang on for the actual subsequent reading, and 3) I end up reading the stuff elsewhere before I hear it on the radio. TV news teasers are similar; it's just kind of silly in my mind. (And teasers increasing prevalence is just getting more and more annoying: quit wasting time telling us what you're going to tell us, and tell us, already!);
  • I'm seriously contemplating boycotting voting in a second Presidential primary if the powers-that-be decide to have another here in Florida. I say take the results for the first one. I don't think the national party should've not counted the first one to begin with, just because the state party decided that its voters deserved to have a say in who the candidates were--I think it's a wee bit unfair that you have less candidate options just because of where you live or when the primary is held. Bah! I say.;
  • To close, a more positive note: I saw Vantage Point today, and quite enjoyed it. Was a wee bit intense, but was good. And don't bother trying to go to Yahoo to find out about the movie, for their screwing up their good movie information site to provide "better" service.... Vantage Point appears to be one of the first to use their extended service, which takes away/hides the one thing I really used the site for: the brief description of the movie, with its stars.

And I will stop there before it gets both too late (today's Daylight Savings "Spring Forward" not helping here), and I get too bogged down in ranting... hasta

I thought you were special
I thought you should know
But I've run out of patience
I couldn't care less

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