Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some boys take a beautiful girl,
and hide her away from the rest of the world

So tonight, I'm catching up on this week's Eli Stone, and enjoying seeing Katie Holmes again after missing her as Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight, when low-and-behold I realized something (rather early in the episode as well): the location that Ms. Holmes sings "Hit Me With a Hot Note and Watch Me Bounce" is where the video for Fiona Apple's "Paper Bag" takes place. (This location is also the club Eli takes Katie Holmes's character Grace to dinner later in the episode.)

Which of course, only a semi-mild Fiona fan (and above) probably noted, particularly since Paper Bag wasn't exactly anywhere near as popular as say Criminal and its video.

But, in any case, it was good to see Katie Holmes again as well, and I'm still enjoying Eli Stone... even though they seem to have dropped George Michael for season 2 (but thankfully, they did mentioned Duke Ellington as the source of 'Bounce').

That's all they really want...
Is some fun...
When the working day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun

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