Friday, November 21, 2008

You're out of touch, I'm out of time

Stop the Insanity! (where is Susan Powter when I need her?).

One of the radio stations here has already begun playing Christmas music. It's the week before Thanksgiving! It think the station might have not yet switched completely over to holiday songs, but I don't know for sure, as I'm doing my best to now ignore the station until mid-January (I keep having to remind myself of my self-imposed boycott as well). This is one of the things that gets me out of the holiday spirit... and it's not even time for Chrismas yet! I still hope, probably in futility, that radio will wake up and realize that Christmas should wait until after Thanksgiving, despite what the retailers of the US (aka their advertisers) would like them to believe... ('course, those retailers should know to wait as well).

And in other insanity-related issues this week, my alarm did manage to go off fine on Thursday and Friday--which was nice. It didn't help was that I got to work on Thursday to find 150 emails coming into my Inbox. By the end of the workday there were over 350 unreads there, and it took me part of Thursdays night and some of today to go through them. There's still some remaining, which I'm going to try to get through tomorrow (hopefully).

Broken ice still melts in the sun
And ties that are broken can often be one,

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