Friday, May 15, 2009

Funnyman, listening, to the world turn in on itself

Greetings from the Charlotte airport. I am on my to Charleston, West Virginia at the moment, for a clinic this weekend for work. This is my third trip in as many weeks, and I currently have my longest layover so far: 2+ hours here in North Carolina (fun, fun, fun--but at least it's around lunchtime, so I'll be able to grab some food). Now if only I can find a vacant rocker to sit in....

My morning has been rather uneventful, with only a few minor things of note happening while I awaited my flight in Fort Lauderdale:

  • A gentleman dropped his $10 breakfast (of eggs, bacon and potatoes--the expensive one, though I think all the option were overpriced) as he was sitting down to try to eat it. (The pesky clear-plastic lid on his to-go container broke free of the base, and slipped out of his hand. And what didn't fall out when it fell, proceeded to escape when he attempted to pick it up off the floor.)

  • The staff at a neighboring gate with a flight headed to Las Vegas made an announcement that the passengers there were headed out on a 5-hour flight, and that it might be a good idea to grab some food in the terminal to take with them on the plane. (This partially because there would be a limited amount of food available for purchase on the plane.)

  • A woman in her mid-40s who fell asleep so soundly that her light snoring (or loud breathing, depending on how one wants to call it) didn't wake her. (Some airline reps kindly woke her up for the flight--although the rep did need to try to do so two times, about 5 minutes apart....)

All in all, not terribly exciting, I know, but I will break off at this point, as there are people to watch, a rocker appears to be opening and I must pounce!, and I may try to read some more of The Three Musketeers (you hear that Danielle--how are you keeping up?). Hasta... (oh, and I may be in a KT Tunstall junkie phase...)

Funnyman, got a plan, to be something wonderful
Funnyman, listening, to the world turn in on itself
Tuning in, to a brand new universe
Funnyman, could never be, anything else

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have been soooo bored:) No good magazines? Books?