Friday, May 22, 2009

If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it...

At the moment, I am in Chicago, IL for work. During a break yesterday afternoon I managed to get over to the Art Institute Chicago for an hour or so (during their extended, free--thanks to Target--evening hours on Thursday) and got to see one of my favorite paintings for the first time in person: Georges Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on La Grande Jatte (pictured above).

I also saw Caillebotte's Paris Street; Rainy Day at the Institute, as well as 6 of Monet's Haystack/Wheatstack series and models Daniel French made for the Abraham Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial (did you know there's an American flag drapped around the back of the chair?).

However there was much more to see than I had time for, for example:
But next time, next time....

And on the way he found Ruth
and Irving

1 comment:

mph said...

Thanks for the reminder about what a great museum that is! Glad you could savor at least a bit of it.
