Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above...

Well, due to some pesky clouds in the area, I'm missing tonight's full lunar eclipse.

But that's semi-ok, as I'm still recovering from swimming 13 events this weekend (9 individuals and 4 relays) over in Clearwater. The meet itself, went rather well... and my times (for those who care):

-1000 free: 10:03.86 (out in 5:04, back in 4:59--and I got touched out!)
-200 back: 2:02.37
-200 fly: 2:03.04 (almost like I planned it!)
-400 IM: 4:27.07

-200 breast: 2:25.05
-100 back: 56.61
-100 breast: 1:06.32
-100 fly: 53.63
-500 free: 4:54.70

I also did 2 50s back on 2 medley relays (25.55 and 26.39) and 2 50s free (23.36 and 23.47).... All-in-all, not terrible. Anyways... must jet back outside to see if I can catch some more of the eclipse: night.

And all the nights magic seems to whisper and hush
And all the soft moonlight seems to shine, in your blush
Can I just have one more moondance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your times sound good to me!