Thursday, January 22, 2009

There must be some Toros in the atmosphere...

It has been rather cold of late the past two days. Yesterday morning, my car's temperature gauge let me know that it was colder (40°) than my (of-late) miles-per-gallon average (41.7). The cold weather has also caused the cancellation of morning practices for the team (40° air temperature for a wet swimmer to wander around in on deck of an outdoor pool isn't the best thing, not to mention it can be hard to keep the water warm).

But, I went to the musical/play version of Mamma Mia! tonight, which was not only very good (and highly entertaining), but also the Broward Center for the Performing Arts (where it's being staged) also was quite warm.

Otherwise, I'm just taking the weather in stride, particularly after talking to someone in Iowa mid-week where it was -16° (-30° with the wind chill), and they hadn't seen 0° in 5 days. It was so cold, that school was canceled because the district was worried about the buses breaking down and kids getting frostbite while waiting for the bus.

Oh, and I'm headed to Columbus, Ohio, next week, so I figure this week's cold is a sort of prelude for that trip... (or hope it is). Of course, to that I say: Bring it!

I said Brrr!
It's cold in here
There must be some Toros in the atmosphere

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