Saturday, January 31, 2009

You see I got a four-leaf clover

Greetings from snowy Columbus, Ohio. Things here are cold and white, as evident in the picture at right from just outside my hotel room. But, as luck would have it, I apparently arrived the day after the really bad weather, which was Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Columbus got around 2 feet of snow--the remnants are what is pictured. The weather was such that the Ohio State University, where I've been this weekend, canceled classes on Wednesday. It was the first time in 20 years that classes have been canceled due to weather.

Things on the whole go well, and I'm actually not too cold (other than a brief stint this morning when my hands got chilled through my gloves...). I'm chalking up my warmth to the lined, suede coat I brought with me (it's so heavy, it broke the hanger it was on). But otherwise, not much to report.

I will mention that while landing I noticed a novelty (for me, at least): there was a cloud layer in the area, blocking the view of the ground with its white fluffiness. As the plane went through the layer, I kept waiting to see a green/brown/colorful earth emerge below; only to be met with a snow-blanketed whiteness of the ground below. There was really no contrast between the clouds and the ground. Probably not such a big deal to those "in the snow", but it was novel for me.

See, I have been thinking it over
It's all just a little too much

You see I have got a four-leaf clover
It's gotta bring a little luck

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