Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Roman candles that burn in the night, you are a shining light

My week has been pretty much the 2009 YMCA Short Course Nationals (which ends tomorrow) and watching season 1 of Joan of Arcadia (before I need to return it on Saturday), with a shortened jaunt into the office between. Not terribly exciting, really.

The only other thing I'll mention is that I found 2 articles this week both stating that you can save money (and energy) by turning things off, like:

  • -computers: don't leave them on overnight (and now I can't find the site that it was on...)

  • light bulbs:
    -incandescent: whenever you leave the room
    -compact fluorescent: if it'll be off for at least 15 minutes
    (the longer time is due to decreasing bulb life by turning it off and on; not the power actually used)
    -office fluorescent: off for 5 minutes

    related articles from Mythbusters and the U.S. Department of Energy

You are a force, you are a constant source
Yeah, you are a shining light
Incandescent into the darkest night
Yeah, you are shining light

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