Sunday, November 15, 2009

I light my torch and wave it for the new moon on Monday

I spent today doing laundry and reading.... Well, at least until I finished reading Night Watch (I then transitioned to cleaning) and then until I ran out of laundry soap. And as I'm attempting to not spend any money today, I'm deterring myself from going to the store to buy some more detergent. (Oh darn it, I'll have to stop doing laundry--the heartache!; I'm crestfallen.)

Night Watch has an interesting notion in it, about how people commonly "damn" things, with things like "dammit". An underlying theme in the book (and presumably the series of books to which Night Watch is the first) is a battle between light and dark. (Currently is a stalemate truce, where the light side occupies the day, the dark the night. The night watch is the light's squad for watching/monitoring the dark side; their is also a corresponding day watch that monitors the light during the day.)

The book frames commonly uttered "dammit"s and the like as sending an actual dark curse onto the person/object/whatever to which it has been directed. So instead of proliferating further darkness in the world by using those words, the night watch members are taught to replace those curses with things like "light and darkness". It lead me to the notion of wishing salvation, or intelligence or patience, on people... (just seems interesting).

Also interesting:

  • there is a new moon tomorrow night, which is a Monday;
  • the movie based on the second Twilight book, New Moon, comes out later this week as well.

I said it again, but could I please rephrase it
Maybe I can catch a ride
I couldn't really put it much plainer
But I'll wait 'til you decide

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