Saturday, February 11, 2006

You don't have to put up a fight, you don't always have to be right

Well, I wish that I could say that I was ridiculously busy this week, and that's why I've not blogged since Monday. Actually, I could say that...

What have I been up to, you may wonder? Well, Monday I was writing until 3 a.m., so Tuesday night I went to bed at 8 p.m. to catch up on sleep (which worked). The rest of the week was fairly normal, and uneventful; save I got my new computer on Thursday!!!!

So Thursday night and last night I spent playing with my new Apple, installing programs and trying to figure out OS X (I was running OS 9 before). And this morning, I sub-coached a "Diving & Dolphin" practice for the Masters group I'm in (it went ok, I think?).

Such terrible excitement, I know. Oh, the Torino Olympics in Turin started last night, and actually, I had the notion earlier this week to post an explanation of why East of Eden falls on my 'List' (see previous entry). The notion was mostly because a reference to "Am I my brother's keeper" came up.

Oh, also, the Grammys were on, which I would love to have watched, but I'm still boycotting them due to the stupid recording association's (the folks who run the Grammys) practice of suing grandmothers/dead people for downloading music. (And not acknowledging that maybe people are buying less CDs because the product quality has decreased, and because people aren't exposed to as much stuff--but the latter would be a "broadcast" industry issue....)

Anyways, it's a shame they've cause me to not like them so, because I really like a lot of the songs that won this year ("Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own" and "Restless", come to mind), and I used to get exposed to artist by watching the telecast. Maybe one day I won't need to be pissed off at them anymore and can watch again...

Still no rowing :(

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it
The best you can do is to fake it
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

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