Thursday, July 27, 2006

I've crossed the last line, from where I can't return

Today has not been a terribly good day. The loan approval inquisition continues (warning to potential home buyers: don't spend any money for the 2 months before you start closing--you'll save yourself), but my stress is most due to the fact that I don't think I'm going to close on time. (Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition, nobody!)

I'm supposed to close on the condo on Monday (7/31), but since the loan isn't approved yet, it's not looking very good that I will close then. The way I figure it, if the loan doesn't get approved tomorrow morning, the closing will have to be delayed. This is mostly because the money I have to pay the closing cost (due at closing, hence the name) is in Texas and it will take at the least a day to get here oh-so-wonderful Florida. So, I need to know the closing costs by Friday afternoon, so I have Saturday to get the money moving here. The closing costs, however, can't be determined until the loan is approved. Added to this is that I can't move the money until after the approval (as well), because if I do then the approval will get delayed (even more) because they'll want to know where the money went, where it came from, what mint it was originally printed at, how the stars were aligned when it was born, etc.

I'm at the point now where I don't think I'll be approved tomorrow: there's just too much left and I've not had any indication that the problematic areas are waning. All of which wouldn't bother be so much, if there wasn't such a major penalty for late/delayed closing specifically addressed in the offer agreement I've signed (which my loan officer and realtor both seem sure the seller won't impose on me--but I don't know).

So, I'm bummed about it all. I didn't even make it through swimming warm-up tonight before I got out because of the mood I was in. And the icing of it all was that while I should've still be in the water one of my friends decided to give me crap (over text) about not being a home owner yet, when the closing date that is most likely going to be delayed isn't until Monday! Hell, he didn't even recognize that I texted him when I should've been in the middle of practice...

On a lighter note, speaking of hell, the copy of Dante's Infero that I ordered came today (very quickly, I might add: I only ordered it from amazon on Monday night)--I told my loan officer that it would help me identify where I am today...

Hopefully tomorrow'll be better.

I've crossed the last line
From where I can't return
Where every step I took in faith betrayed me
And led me from my home

1 comment:

jarret said...