Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's the pattern of my life

I will rant a bit....

One of my peeves are people who leave email signatures intact, when their purpose/function is not needed. For example, the co-worker (in the office down the hall) who lets you know (with every email) the address and phone number of the office you're both in. This I've learned to deal with. I tune it out (ignore it) in much the same way I tune out, say, the plethora of "important information" envelopes I receive from credit card companies (and on a side note, cc guys, you're at/near the point where I will stop paying attention to anything you send me, including bills, so if you want to get paid: quit sending junk mail to me!).

Anyways, back to the signatures. My co-workers do it, and I just try to make sure I stay aware of when I use my signature and what it says, in hopes that the delivery will be effective too.

The actual catalyst for today's post is related to this. Recently, I've been getting emails from an address that is supposed to be one of my neighbors (and given that two of my other neighbors may very shortly go into default on their condos, you might be able to imagine that I've gotten a few emails from my other neighbors). Anyways, the signature on one of the emails is a name I don't know. It may be her boyfriend/fiance/husband, or someone other rather person. I don't know.

The fun/scary part, is that she appears too... unable to remove the signature from the emails. Or maybe I've just been emailing the wrong person (who understands everything going on).

In any case, people, don't get so lazy that you can't delete a signature from an email for people that don't need to get it.

It's the pattern of my life
When you care and you cannot feel
And you know that it's for real

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