Friday, March 06, 2009

Three is a magic number, yes it is

At work today I received an (unsolicited) email from a company that provides membership software. After a cursory glance at the content, I determined it as a copy of the same, exact email that I had received the day before from the same, unknown person.

As I thought this pattern indicative of a potential trend, and because I'm not in need of membership software at the moment, I responded to today's email with:

"If you are going to email me daily, please remove me from you distribution list. Thank you.

I thought this nice and to-the-point, and also allowed an opening to not only state that the emails wouldn't be daily but also to ask why I would comment as such. So I was somewhat surprised with the response I received:
You had a spelling error below -- "please remove me from you distribution list" -- but I will remove you from our distribution list. Continued success to you in the future.
and the person's standard email signature.

Now, granted, in a given day I tend to make a lot of these typos, which I blame on the current work pace I attempt to keep in-office (thought it's not to say I am not trying to get not have them). However, I was quite surprised that this "Account Executive" (aka salesman) responded as he did.... Call me crazy.

But then again, today I also sat through two cycles of the stoplight nearest my office without it turning green, before I turned right to u-turn my way through the intersection, so maybe it was just today.

In other news, a Masters meet kicked off today and which ended rather late tonight (9:40). It continues tomorrow and Sunday, and hopefully will run smoothly... we shall see.

Twelve, fifteen, eighteen
Twenty-one, twenty-four, twenty-seven

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