Friday, February 06, 2009

Here's a quarter, call someone who cares

Last night I finalized my 2008 Federal taxes and sent them in, and I'll be getting a nice amount back as a refund, which is cool. And I'm way happy about the hybrid car credit I got, which helped to considerably increase my return.

I'm a little dismayed, however, by 3 things of late... all aimed at helping to revive parts of the sagging U.S. economy. All of which I just miss out on, 2 of which apparently because I was ahead of some trend.

  • 1. There's (now) a first-time home buyer's credit that went in effect for purchases beginning in April 2008. Apparently, I was a year-and-a-half ahead of this, as that's when I bought my place. So strike 1 (I think it's more of a government loan with no interest, though...).
  • 2. Congress is contemplating a new car purchase credit for this year (2009). But I just bought my new car last year (strike 2).
  • 3. And Congress is rumored to be looking at encouraging a mortgage rate decrease. Of course, if this is anything like the previous drops in the past year or so, it won't do me any good. I'm not in a position to refinance my loan to get a better rate (low/negative equity in my home, combined with the depressed re-adjusted local market, make me a no qualifier or that I just have to pay the amount in fees that the dropped rate would save me). And what's even worse: I'm trying to do the right thing: not be in trouble with my bills, staying current/on-time in my payments, etc. Yet, no reward/pay-off for me for my good, appropriate behavior... (which is a bummer).
Life sucks as an adult, sometimes... but I just try to laugh about it, and be ok that I can make my payments, and balance the debt I have and not worry too much about the retirement I'm not really saving for or the insurance I don't have, et al. One day it'll get better--that's my hope for change.

Call someone who'll listen and might give a damn
Maybe one of your sorted affairs
But don't you come 'round here handin' me none of your lines
Here's a quarter, call someone who cares

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