Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Baby, you know I ain't the Queen of Sheba

In my book (Midnight's Children), at the moment the developing arch nemesis/pseudo-twin of the main character (Saleem Sinai), is named Shiva. In the book, Shiva is mentioned as the Hindu god of destruction (that's him dancing at left) which matches the personality of the (currently) ten-year-old boy in the story with the name.

However, because the name Shiva sounds similar to Sheba--the ancient, biblical land (and also in the Qur'ān)--I've had today's subject line, with its mention of the Queen of Sheba stuck in my head. Which has also had me singing the rest of Bonnie Raitt's Thing Called Love...

Oh, well, there really are worse songs that could be stuck in my head: not many songwriters would think to rhyme "Sheba" with "amoeba", let alone figure out how to make it a sensible rhyme. And for all you Harry Potter fans out there, one of the other midnight children in the book is named Parvati (in Hinduism, Parvati's Shiva's wife).

I ain't no porcupine, take off your kid gloves
Are you ready for the thing called love

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