Friday, February 16, 2007

Damn, wish I was you lover...

Two Sophies today...

The first, Ms. B. Hawkins, was in concert tonight in town, somewhere (I heard an ad for her concert about 10 minutes before it started, where they took snippets of her two big songs--Damn, I Wish I Was You Lover and As I Lay Me Down--and intermixed them I think in an attempt to make them sound like more than two).

For the second, Ms. Ellis Bextor, I re-found her Murder on the Dancefloor the other day on YouTube, after listening to Dido's Hunter. (And apparently made Erin really happy by forwarding her the link--tho I've still not figured out if she'd heard the song before the other day, or just really likes the ballroom-dancing-competition themed video...)

And in other news: the Texas high school State meet (swimming) is today and tomorrow in Austin (go Casey)...

Shucks, for me there is no other

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt : swimming :: Erin : foxtrot and cha-cha and all things sparkly with a good beat

You really need to ask on that one?!???