Monday, February 26, 2007

But that's how it's got to be,
 It's coming down to nothing more than apathy

Last Friday was bizarre--that's the best way to describe it.

I actually managed to convince myself to leave my place at o-dark-thirty to go swim, and then left the pool parking lot before actually getting in when the coach hadn't shown up to open the pool 5 minutes after we were supposed to have been in the water. I felt guilty about returning home--and going back to sleep--for most of the day.

At work, I basically got reprimanded by a co-worker, but had a productive day.

Post-work, I returned to the pool for the beginning of the Masters Challenge meet, which occupied the whole weekend. On my way there, I ran into massive traffic, that had me worried I'd be later for warm-up than I already was (but which turned out alright).

When I arrived at the pool, I found out morning practice had actually been canceled: the coach woke up late and had called it off (literally called and told some of the people in the neighboring cars that it was canceled--the ones I'd followed out of the parking lot). And of the 2 events that night, one went well and the other was just kinda good.

I guess I can just blame everything on Mercury's retrograde, which I have Joel--one of my fellow Masters swimmers--to thank for pointing out to me. Now if only I could get my tax return site working again...

Let's rearrange
I wish you were a stranger, I could disengage
Just say that we agree and then never change

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