Running to stand still
Wow, crazy week...
- Hung out with a friend who was in town most of Sunday, and then went to dinner with him (all after running to the mall for some shopping--I didn't arrive before the stores opened this weekend, unlike the weekend before when I was an hour early; apparently 10 a.m. on Sunday is too early even for Christmas shopping),
- Christmas presents wrapping and sending (wrapping at night on Sunday and Monday, mailings on Monday and Tuesday--all arrived yesterday, woo-hoo!),
- frantic card writing (still some more to do),
- a staff Christmas party (Wednesday night),
- a farewell party for a co-worker leaving to a new job in the new year (good luck with the new j.o.b.! Laura),
- old swim paddles re-made (finally) at a plastic shop (it's only taken me about 3 years to get them cut; I tested them out last night: they work well, and apparently are shaped like coffins--"death paddles, kill the competition"),
- a second Christmas present that I was supposed to open early ;) (prominently marked "perishable" on the box: a bonsai sago palm (at right), which is really a cycad and not a palm--it just looks like one; and of which I'm not entirely sure where to place),
- a full day of work today (on the solstice and with less than half the staff in, and much to my co-worker's Lynn's regret, I was not allowed to depart early),
- need to research ISPs...
- and apparently there's a picture of me in today's Sun-Sentinel (the local newspaper), which I should probably track down (it's from the Coral Springs meet that was a few weekend ago).

And now that winter has started (the winter solstice being the first "official" day of winter), I've got a party tomorrow and then some lounging around to do... and, hopefully, my CPR class will make on the 26th, but I'm not holding my breath that it will (i.e. the Broward Red Cross will delay my taking it yet again).
Anyways, I should go track down a paper... hasta
And so she woke up
Woke up from where she was, lying still
She said, I, I gotta do something,
About where we're going
Step on a steam train
Step out of the driving rain, maybe
Run from the darkness in the night
1 comment:
A star in another venue!
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