Go West... in the open air
Well, actually go Northwest: I fly them up to Minneapolis today for a clinic there this weekend. But the Pet Shop Boys cover of the Village People's Go West is what's stuck in my head, and it's probably as close as I'll get, song-wise.
The other songs stuck in my brain at the moment, thanks to a $10 bill I had in my wallet most of the week, is the SchoolHouse Rock! ditty "We the People" about the U.S. Constitution. That song is actually the reason I know the Preamble. Researching the Preamble lead me to find out that there's actually now 11 Amendments to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights: I-X and XXVII. (There are 12 "Articles" in the Bill of Rights, the last 10 of which were apparently ratified initially, creating the first 10 Amendments. Article 2, which deals with compensation for Congressmen, was ratified as the 27th Amendment in 1992--I hadn't realized I was alive for/old enough to remember an Amendment be ratified (and don't remember it). Not that it really directly impacts me. And "Article the First" probably won't be ratified: it has to do with how the representation in the House should be determine, and I believe we're way past its 50,000 person estimation.)
Anyways, enough with the history lesson for today: I've a plane to catch. Hasta...
We the people [of the United States]
In order to form a more perfect union
Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility
Provide for the common defense
Promote the general Welfare, and
Secure the blessings of Liberty
To ourselves and our Posterity
Do ordain
And establish this Constitution
For the
United States of
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