Sunday, April 01, 2007

I asked her if she wanted 2 dance and she said all she wanted was a good man, wanted to know if I thought I was qualified

Today is April Fools' Day... or as the French apparently call it (according to my calendar): poissons d'avril (the fish of April).

The biggest event news of the weekend was that I cleaned for two hours today after running (for all of 15 minutes). I did see 3 movies this weekend: Blades of Glory, Meet the Robinsons (at 11:00 a.m. this morning--amazingly I was up in time), and Ocean's Twelve (on DVD). I even managed to get a $30 parking ticket while seeing Blades (and luckily didn't get towed): apparently they really do only want cars over 6'8" in the spots they've marked for "tall cars"--it just makes me wonder if they also ticketed all the SUVs that parked in the compact car spaces.... I also wonder about if people who are 6'8" or taller are exempt (maybe I'll call and ask).

Now the pressing question is whether/not I'll swim in the morning this week. We don't have an evening practice option, because the Y-Nationals are going on at the pool (pesky). So, I will either be swimming from 6-7 a.m. Monday-Thursday, or not at all until Friday (it's Good Friday, which actually makes today Palm Sunday, I guess).

Anyways, I will let off here, and possibly try to squeeze one more movie in this weekend. Btw, Meet the Robinsons was good: and interestingly a Disney animated movie (not a Disney/Pixar movie...).

It was only last June when her old man ran away
She couldn't stop crying 'cause she knew he was gone 2 stay
10:35 on a lonely Friday night
She was standin' by the bar, hmm
She was lookin' alright, yeah

1 comment:

jarret said...

If I can get up as the ASSCRACK of dawn to swim so can you!