Fortunately you have someone who relies on you...
The weekend is a fairly quiet one, thankfully; although a bit cool. Maybe on some levels I'm still recovering from Thursday night's "meet" and team outing to Howl at the Moon (not that I stayed late: I left by 9:30 and Keith had time to corrupted me with only 1 tequila shot). As for Friday night, a cold front moved into town, brining the temperature down to a bone chilling 60 or so...Not a ton to report really. I went to see Casino Royale yesterday afternoon with a group of ladies from the team--all the guys backed out for various reason. Casino is good, and I'll say that Daniel Craig (the new Bond) does a good job even though I'm not a good judge of acting (and I've been a tad biased toward him since his role in Tomb Raider seemed a good test for a secret agent gig... Layer Cake was an interesting turn, though). I also didn't know/realize that Casino was 2.5 hours.
Didn't really do anything else yesterday. I picked up a library card and put some stuff away (still not completely unpacked though). Read some more of Gilead, which is also good but it is reminding me of how much difficulty I have with stream-of-consciousness books--I'm muddling through it.
And now that the music here has gone from Frank Sinatra's Strangers in the Night to Green Day's Minority, I think I should be packing up and leaving. Maybe get some stuff done today--though I'm not sure what.
Time I'm sure will bring
Disappointments in so many things
It seems to be the way
When you're gambling cards on love you play
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