Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's just a little too late

Thanksgiving went well in Lauderdale. Swam in the morning, bummed around awhile before heading over to a friend's house for dinner, and after eating we played Upwards (like stackable Scrabble; a pic of the final board is at left). They were even nice enough to let me win--after messing up the board with "humid" (under "timid") and "bedeck". It was a good time.

Yesterday, I swam again and ran some errands while avoiding the after-T-Day "sale" craziness ("Black Friday" to me refers to a day the stock market crashed, by the way). I actually did venture out to Pier 1 and Target yesterday evening, though--no so much craziness then. Otherwise I just vegged, and saw the rainbow at right.

Oh, and the Horns, in the style I'm becoming accustomed to, lost 6-12 to A&M in football yesterday (National Champs last year, can't beat the in-state rival this year, and now it appears they won't play for the conference title...).

It's just too little too late
A little too long and I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say
(You know it's just too little too late)

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